Double-Coated Dogs: No Shave Downs Here

It’s hot outside, there is no denying that. You and your kids can cool down at the pool or the sprinkler, wear lighter clothes and sometimes get a summer haircut. For dogs, you can also consider a summer haircut, however, it may not be what you think it is. For many dogs, a shave down can help keep them cool, but for some it actually has the potential to do the opposite and ruin their hair.

The dogs you want to avoid shaving are double-coated dogs. Some of these include Huskies, Great Pyraneses, Saint Bernards, and more. You know all that shedding your dog experiences when it starts to get warmer? That’s your dog's way of trying to cool down. For double-coated dogs, shedding is a necessity in order to remain cool while also protecting their skin from sun damage. The shedding is the undercoat of the dog, which is used to protect the dog from the cold during the winter months. The outer coat is the one you see, and allows for air to get through to the dogs skin, while also protecting the dog from the sun. 

What a lot of people don’t realize is that shaving the outer coat does nothing more than ruin your double-coated dog’s hair and actually make your dog hotter. When the hair starts to grow back, the undercoat is what grows back first, most times a rougher texture than before. This undercoat, used to protect the dog from the cold, traps heat and increases your double-coated dogs body temperature during the summer months. 

The best way to keep your double-coated dog cool in the summer is with a good bath and a blowout. We use high powered dryers to blow the undercoat out of the dog as best as we can. This not only cuts down on shedding in your home, but it helps the dog stay cooler while also maintaining their beautiful hair.

If you aren’t sure whether your dog would benefit more from a bath and blowout or a shave down, ask us! We are always looking to do what’s best for you and your dog.